ACL Injuries

What are ACL injuries?

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a crucial band of tissue that connects the thigh bone to the shin bone, stabilizing the knee joint. ACL injuries occur when this ligament becomes damaged or torn, often due to sudden twisting, pivoting, or high-impact activities. Such injuries are commonly seen in sports like basketball, soccer, and skiing. ACL tears can range from mild sprains to complete ruptures, affecting the knee’s stability and leading to significant pain and discomfort.


ACL injuries can be attributed to various factors. Non-contact injuries occur when sudden changes in direction or landing awkwardly cause excessive stress on the ligament. These movements often occur during sports activities. Contact injuries, on the other hand, involve direct blows or collisions to the knee, leading to ACL damage. Inadequate conditioning, poor muscle strength and flexibility, improper techniques, and genetic predispositions may also contribute to ACL injuries.


    Recognizing the signs and symptoms of an ACL injury is crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment. Common indications of an ACL injury include:

    • A popping sound or sensation at the time of injury
    • Severe pain and swelling in the knee
    • Instability or a feeling of the knee giving way
    • Limited range of motion
    • Difficulty walking or bearing weight on the affected leg
    • Tenderness around the knee joint
      ACL Injuries specialist

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      (912) 999-6885

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      9100 White Bluff Road, Suite 102
      Savannah, GA 31406

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      ACL injuries can significantly impact one’s quality of life, particularly for individuals involved in physical activities. It is crucial to understand the causes, symptoms, and available treatment options for this condition. If you suspect an ACL injury, our Carpal Tunnel Specialists are dedicated to providing expert care and guidance throughout your recovery journey. Don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule a consultation to ensure a timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment for your knee health.


      At our practice, we have a team of experienced orthopedic specialists, including Carpal Tunnel Specialists, who are well-versed in treating ACL injuries. The most appropriate treatment option will depend on various factors, including the severity of the injury, age, and activity level of the patient. Common treatment modalities include:

      Non-Surgical Approaches:

      Rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) to reduce pain and swelling

      Physical therapy to strengthen the surrounding muscles and improve stability

      Bracing or using crutches for temporary support during the healing process

      Alternative Approaches:

      Surgical Intervention

      Complete ACL tears or cases where conservative treatments prove ineffective may require surgical reconstruction. This procedure involves replacing the torn ligament with a graft sourced from the patient’s own tissues or a donor. Our Carpal Tunnel Specialists, who possess expertise in orthopedic surgery, ensure optimal outcomes and provide comprehensive post-operative care.

      Rehabilitation and physical therapy:

      Regardless of the chosen treatment approach, rehabilitation and physical therapy are vital for recovering knee strength, stability, and range of motion. Our specialists work closely with patients to develop customized rehabilitation programs.