Rotator Cuff Tear

What is a Rotator Cuff Tear?

A Rotator Cuff Tear is a common shoulder injury that involves damage to the muscles and tendons of the rotator cuff, which are responsible for stabilizing the shoulder joint and facilitating its movement. The rotator cuff consists of four muscles: the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. A tear in any of these tendons can result in pain, weakness, and limited shoulder mobility. Seeking specialized care from Rotator Cuff Tear specialists is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.


Rotator Cuff Tears can occur due to various factors, including:

  1. Age-related degeneration: As individuals age, the tendons of the rotator cuff may weaken and become more susceptible to tears.
  2. Repetitive overhead activities: Engaging in sports or occupations that involve repetitive overhead motions, such as throwing, swimming, or painting, can lead to gradual wear and tear on the rotator cuff tendons.
  3. Acute injury: A sudden, forceful movement or direct trauma to the shoulder can cause a rotator cuff tear.


The symptoms of a Rotator Cuff Tear can vary depending on the size and severity of the tear, but common signs and symptoms include:

  • Persistent, deep pain in the shoulder that may radiate down the arm, particularly when lifting or rotating the arm.
  • Weakness, particularly while performing activities that require shoulder strength, such as lifting objects or reaching overhead.
  • Limited range of motion, especially when reaching behind the back or raising the arm overhead.
  • A feeling of tightness or stiffness in the shoulder joint.
  • Some individuals may experience clicking or popping sounds or sensations during shoulder movements.
Rotator Cuff Tear specialists

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(912) 999-6885

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9100 White Bluff Road, Suite 102
Savannah, GA 31406

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Seeking timely and specialized care from Rotator Cuff Tear specialists is essential for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. If you are experiencing symptoms of a rotator cuff tear, we can help you experience relief, improved shoulder function, and a return to your normal activities.


The treatment options for Rotator Cuff Tears depend on several factors, including the size, location, and severity of the tear, as well as the patient’s age and activity level. Rotator Cuff Tear specialists will determine the most appropriate treatment plan, which may include one or more of the following:

Non-Surgical Treatments:

Rest and activity modification

Avoiding activities that exacerbate symptoms and allowing the shoulder to rest and heal.

Physical therapy

A specialized exercise program to strengthen the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint, improve stability, and restore range of motion.

Pain management

Over-the-counter or prescription medications to manage pain and reduce inflammation.

Shoulder Labral (SLAP) Tear Specialist’s Surgical Interventions:

Arthroscopic repair

For larger tears or persistent symptoms, arthroscopic surgery may be recommended. This minimally invasive procedure involves using small instruments and a camera to repair the torn tendon and reattach it to the bone.

Open repair

In some cases, a larger tear or complex injury may require open surgery. This involves making a larger incision to access the damaged tendon and repair it.

Following surgery, a comprehensive rehabilitation program will be prescribed to gradually restore strength, range of motion, and function to the shoulder.