Ulnar Nerve Entrapment

What is Ulnar Nerve Entrapment?

Ulnar Nerve Entrapment, also known as Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, is a condition that affects the ulnar nerve, which runs from the neck down the arm and into the hand. This nerve is responsible for providing sensation and controlling certain muscles in the hand and forearm. Ulnar Nerve Entrapment occurs when the ulnar nerve becomes compressed or irritated at the elbow, leading to pain, numbness, and weakness in the hand and fingers. Our Nerve Entrapment Specialist will be able to diagnose and treat this condition effectively.


Several factors can contribute to the development of Ulnar Nerve Entrapment, including:

  1. Repetitive motions: Engaging in activities that involve repetitive bending of the elbow or prolonged pressure on the ulnar nerve can increase the risk of nerve compression.
  2. Anatomical variations: Some individuals may have a naturally narrow or abnormal cubital tunnel, the passageway through which the ulnar nerve travels, making them more susceptible to entrapment.
  3. Elbow injury or trauma: Previous injuries or trauma to the elbow, such as fractures or dislocations, can cause inflammation or structural changes that lead to nerve compression.


Recognizing the symptoms of Ulnar Nerve Entrapment is crucial for early diagnosis and effective treatment. Common symptoms include:

  • Numbness and tingling sensations in the ring finger, little finger, and the outer half of the ring finger on the palm side of the hand.
  • Weakness, clumsiness, reduced grip strength, and difficulty with tasks that require fine motor skills, such as buttoning shirts or holding small objects.
  • Pain and discomfort in the elbow, forearm, or hand, which may be aggravated by activities that put pressure on the ulnar nerve.
  • In severe cases, muscle wasting or atrophy may occur in the hand, leading to a noticeable loss of muscle bulk.
Ulnar Nerve Entrapment Specialists

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(912) 999-6885

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9100 White Bluff Road, Suite 102
Savannah, GA 31406

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As Ulnar Nerve Entrapment Specialists, we understand the impact that this condition can have on your hand and arm function. If you experience any symptoms or suspect Ulnar Nerve Entrapment, we encourage you to consult with our team of experts for a personalized assessment and a comprehensive treatment plan.

Get in contact with us today to begin the road back to full use and recovery.


Effective management of Ulnar Nerve Entrapment involves a combination of non-surgical and surgical treatments, depending on the severity and duration of symptoms. Some common treatment options include:

Potential at-home remedies:

Splinting and bracing

Wearing a splint or brace at night or during activities that exacerbate symptoms can help keep the elbow in a neutral position and reduce pressure on the ulnar nerve.

Nerve gliding exercises

Specific exercises and stretches can help improve nerve mobility and reduce compression on the ulnar nerve.

Ulnar Nerve Entrapment Specialist’s interventions:


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or pain-relieving medications may be prescribed to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

Occupational or physical therapy

Working with a therapist can help strengthen the muscles surrounding the elbow and improve range of motion, reducing pressure on the ulnar nerve.

Surgical intervention

In severe or refractory cases, where conservative treatments do not provide relief, surgical procedures may be considered. Ulnar Nerve Entrapment Specialists perform procedures such as ulnar nerve decompression or transposition to alleviate nerve compression and restore normal nerve function.