Femoral Acetabular Impingement Syndrome

What is Femoral Acetabular Impingement Syndrome?

Femoral Acetabular Impingement Syndrome (FAIS) is a condition that affects the hip joint, causing pain and limited range of motion. It occurs when there is abnormal contact between the femoral head (the ball-shaped end of the thigh bone) and the acetabulum (the socket of the pelvis). This contact can lead to damage to the articular cartilage or labrum, resulting in pain and functional impairment in the hip joint. A Femoral Acetabular Impingement Syndrome Specialist will be able to diagnose and treat this condition effectively.


FAIS can occur due to various factors, including:

  1. Structural abnormalities: Individuals with certain anatomical variations, such as an abnormally shaped femoral head or a shallow acetabulum, are more prone to developing FAIS.
  2. Developmental abnormalities: During the growth and development of the hip joint, abnormalities can arise, leading to FAIS.
  3. Overuse or repetitive activities: Engaging in activities that involve repetitive hip motions, such as certain sports or occupations, can contribute to the development of FAIS.


Recognizing the symptoms of FAIS is crucial for timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Common symptoms include:

  • Hip pain in the groin, hip, or buttock region. The pain may worsen with activity or prolonged sitting.
  • Limited range of motion, making activities like bending, squatting, or rotating the hip difficult or painful.
  • A clicking or catching sensation in the hip joint during movement.
  • Stiffness and muscle weakness in the hip, impacting overall mobility.
Femoral Acetabular Impingement Syndrome specialist

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(912) 999-6885

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9100 White Bluff Road, Suite 102
Savannah, GA 31406

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As a Femoral Acetabular Impingement Syndrome Specialist, we understand the impact that FAIS can have on your hip joint’s health and your overall well-being. By understanding the condition’s description, causes, symptoms, and available treatment options, you can make informed decisions about managing FAIS effectively.

If you experience any symptoms or suspect FAIS, we encourage you to consult with our team of experts for a personalized assessment and a comprehensive treatment plan. Let us help you restore your hip joint function, reduce pain, and improve your quality of life.


Effective management of FAIS involves a combination of non-surgical and surgical treatments, tailored to the individual’s condition. Some common treatment options include:

Potential at-home remedies:

Activity modification

Avoiding activities that aggravate symptoms and adopting joint-friendly exercises can help reduce pain and prevent further damage.

Over the Counter Medications

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or pain-relieving medications may be recommended to manage pain and inflammation.

Femoral Acetabular Impingement Syndrome Specialist’s interventions:

Physical therapy

Specific exercises and stretches can help improve hip flexibility, strengthen the surrounding muscles, and alleviate pain.


Corticosteroid or viscosupplementation injections may be administered to provide temporary pain relief and reduce inflammation.

Surgical intervention

In cases where conservative treatments fail to provide adequate relief, surgical procedures may be considered. Femoral Acetabular Impingement Syndrome Specialists perform hip arthroscopy or open surgery to address the underlying structural abnormalities, repair damaged tissues, and improve joint function.